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50.Rynnas had a record of 28-5-7 in 40 regular season games 0Dogcat25014202019-07-11 04:30:01, Dogcat250
51.Ajax conceded a late goal at the Kyocera Stadium on0Dogcat25014442019-07-11 04:22:55, Dogcat250
52.White will instead concentrate on his preparations for0Dogcat25014672019-07-11 04:17:29, Dogcat250
53.Check out todays trade-related reports and speculation0Dogcat25015182019-07-11 04:14:10, Dogcat250
54.The 27-year-old Portuguese left back arrived to Malaga0Dogcat25024602019-07-11 04:10:33, Dogcat250
55.Daniels has spent his entire eight-year career with the0Dogcat25014412019-07-11 04:06:45, Dogcat250
56. what has been an entertaining NCAA Tournament to say 0Dogcat25014662019-07-11 04:02:56, Dogcat250
57.but in the end it was Masai Ujiri and the Toronto 0Dogcat25014702019-07-11 03:57:35, Dogcat250
58.Nurse seventh and two years removed from a streak0Dogcat25014212019-07-10 03:46:48, Dogcat250
59.ith two scores early in the second quarter. Ajayi hustle0Dogcat25014942019-07-10 03:40:09, Dogcat250
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