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80.The officiating was a complete non-factor; 0Dogcat25020922019-06-28 04:38:13, Dogcat250
81.sclerosis when he spoke at Yankee Stadium on 0Dogcat25014422019-06-28 04:32:19, Dogcat250
82.Richard Graves is out in Chicago for Sky Sports0Dogcat25014732019-06-28 04:28:34, Dogcat250
83.g now, as I am in good physical shape and enjoying 0Dogcat25014782019-06-28 04:23:22, Dogcat250
84.of playing in the doubles match Saturday. "That obviou0Dogcat25028792019-06-28 04:18:57, Dogcat250
85. ressed for 141 regular-season games and 0Dogcat25014882019-06-28 04:13:54, Dogcat250
86. top of Pool B at 3-0 after four draws at the 0Dogcat25014982019-06-28 04:10:48, Dogcat250
87. but with a funny, flappy, and BOZY new t0Dogcat25015212019-06-28 04:06:26, Dogcat250
88.But Canada has the depth of talent to remain a winner0Dogcat25037062019-06-11 04:28:03, Dogcat250
89.Alan Smith has been jazzing things up lately with his 0Dogcat25016122019-06-11 04:24:14, Dogcat250
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