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70. form the nations first union for college athletes 0Dogcat25014802019-07-10 02:52:55, Dogcat250
71.seems like hes in the point of his career now where 0Dogcat25014772019-07-10 02:46:58, Dogcat250
72. ur. Giroud turned the ball into the net 0Dogcat25016132019-07-10 02:40:51, Dogcat250
73. three-game trip Tuesday when they visit the Golden0Dogcat25014692019-06-28 05:09:48, Dogcat250
74. first major title or his second PGA Tour victo0Dogcat25014552019-06-28 05:02:44, Dogcat250
75. teams vulnerable to poaching. Perhaps his0Dogcat25021662019-06-28 05:00:23, Dogcat250
76. boosting their offence under new coach Pet0Dogcat25014482019-06-28 04:56:53, Dogcat250
77. racticed for less than 15 minutes before le0Dogcat25014662019-06-28 04:51:52, Dogcat250
78.second-innings wickets in hand going into a fascinating 0Dogcat25014532019-06-28 04:48:52, Dogcat250
79.is final catch of the day.Sure enough, a 44-17 win 0Dogcat25014742019-06-28 04:43:30, Dogcat250
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