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110. Quebec Major Junior Hockey League action on 0Dogcat25028062019-05-24 04:09:03, Dogcat250
111.were interviewed by police investigating a homicide 0Dogcat25021822019-05-24 04:06:48, Dogcat250
112. round. "I just needed to keep my composure and t0Dogcat25015192019-05-24 04:02:45, Dogcat250
113. Title hope-crushing defeat, hes going to need a 0Dogcat25014942019-05-24 04:00:14, Dogcat250
114.Georgia Tech isnt going to be easy, as the Yellow 0Dogcat25014892019-05-24 03:55:12, Dogcat250
115.Hlavackova and Lucie Hradecka rallied from down 0Dogcat25031872019-05-22 04:56:17, Dogcat250
116.when it takes on Panama on Tuesday in the unfriendly0Dogcat25058942019-05-22 04:51:26, Dogcat250
117.The Grand Rapids Griffins scored three goals in 0Dogcat25029332019-05-22 04:48:21, Dogcat250
118.with a double and two runs scored in eight games0Dogcat25029722019-05-22 04:46:03, Dogcat250
119.absent from the lineup. Mills helped fill the void 0Dogcat25035152019-05-22 04:43:15, Dogcat250
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