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60.it was too big to fit in an area normally reserve0Dogcat25014322019-07-10 03:36:14, Dogcat250
61. roster throughout 2015 or be offered back to 0Dogcat25086092019-07-10 03:33:03, Dogcat250
62. the active major league roster: $310,000 0Dogcat25027272019-07-10 03:28:42, Dogcat250
63.Denver Broncos couldnt be happier with the way0Dogcat25014882019-07-10 03:25:22, Dogcat250
64.long the Toronto captains partner on the teams 0Dogcat25015112019-07-10 03:21:30, Dogcat250
65.Kapalua is the toughest walk on tour, especially for 0Dogcat25021212019-07-10 03:17:17, Dogcat250
66. spent 42 years with the ballclub and was a member 0Dogcat25014412019-07-10 03:14:15, Dogcat250
67. injury during the third period of Tuesdays game0Dogcat25014502019-07-10 03:11:17, Dogcat250
68.touchdown and scored on a punt return as the 17th-ranked 0Dogcat25015062019-07-10 03:05:14, Dogcat250
69.Maryland handed Northwestern another heartbreaking 0Dogcat25015042019-07-10 02:55:42, Dogcat250
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