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60. shortstop. The Dodgers broke the scoreless t0Dogcat25022962019-08-01 05:36:48, Dogcat250
61. by his fellow professionals for the second straight 0Dogcat25035062019-07-05 05:15:46, Dogcat250
62.He held the opposition scoreless in 21 of his 0Dogcat25015642019-07-05 05:11:11, Dogcat250
63.Saturday night and hoped to play Monday night against 0Dogcat25015652019-07-05 05:07:10, Dogcat250
64.Chubbs phenomenal performance, along with a defense 0Dogcat25015422019-07-05 04:58:00, Dogcat250
65.He will split training time with Reals first tea0Dogcat25015892019-07-05 04:50:31, Dogcat250
66. hat occurred in Arizonas season-opening w0Dogcat25015582019-07-05 04:44:44, Dogcat250
67. found a way to get through the first few chi0Dogcat25015672019-07-05 04:40:36, Dogcat250
68.t assists. Horford was resting when the Hawks to0Dogcat25015742019-07-05 04:38:45, Dogcat250
69. Manchester City boss Manuel Pellegrini is hopeful that he 0Dogcat25027062019-07-05 04:34:30, Dogcat250
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