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30.before so I knew he would wait until I asked him. We 0Dogcat25015002019-09-12 04:51:41, Dogcat250
31.erry Francona couldnt remember a game ending o0Dogcat25014462019-09-12 04:48:34, Dogcat250
32.es to let him hit the market. "Id like to keep playing,0Dogcat25014882019-09-12 04:44:53, Dogcat250
33.eason for the struggling champions from the penalt0Dogcat25014352019-09-12 04:40:50, Dogcat250
34.eir last 10. The Bruins had a 3-0 lead after the first p0Dogcat25014512019-09-12 04:38:23, Dogcat250
35.to a bigger club. 49. Martin Skrtel (Liverpool) – Som0Dogcat25031342019-09-12 04:35:12, Dogcat250
36.Alfredo Simon lowered his ERA to 0.86, and the Reds b0Dogcat25014172019-09-07 05:26:08, Dogcat250
37.ers on the ice with him in 5-oin-5 play), so hes go0Dogcat25014292019-09-07 05:20:55, Dogcat250
38. comeback from the cramps that knocked him 0Dogcat25014182019-09-07 05:15:24, Dogcat250
39.complete defensive domination surrendering just 0Dogcat25014092019-09-07 05:10:39, Dogcat250
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