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40.er, the 53-year-old with eight major victories0Dogcat25014522019-09-07 05:08:25, Dogcat250
41.ll-educated.You can watch Englands tour o0Dogcat25023862019-09-07 05:04:48, Dogcat250
42.ll-educated.You can watch Englands tour o0Dogcat25023212019-09-07 05:04:48, Dogcat250
43.ters Association and the NHL players, respectively. St. L0Dogcat25014302019-09-07 05:00:59, Dogcat250
44.did not return a message seeking comment on the matter0Dogcat25016622019-09-07 04:59:12, Dogcat250
45.for our team," said Safarova, who improved to 2-1 aga0Dogcat25021042019-09-07 04:53:24, Dogcat250
46. going to get all over it." Porcello was 9-1 with a 2.35 ERA 0Dogcat25013942019-09-07 04:50:09, Dogcat250
47. successful performance in the opener of the series 0Dogcat25033142019-09-07 04:48:24, Dogcat250
48.unds in 26 games this season. He has not played si0Dogcat25014062019-09-07 04:44:27, Dogcat250
49.Gilmour: Oh of course! Cmon!?…… But I use a ten0Dogcat25014132019-09-07 04:40:58, Dogcat250
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