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50.n too late and clipped midfielder Oscars leg. It was 0Dogcat25035402019-09-07 04:35:07, Dogcat250
51.edure on a bone. Kemp will be in a splint for two we0Dogcat25020682019-09-07 04:32:46, Dogcat250
52.ker to 10 feet and made the birdie putt. 0Dogcat25015642019-08-01 08:16:31, Dogcat250
53.cquired. But just the length of term --0Dogcat25016162019-08-01 08:11:37, Dogcat250
54.season highs with 415 yards offence, 355 yards0Dogcat25016262019-08-01 08:03:27, Dogcat250
55.from the 25-year-old between the pip0Dogcat25022292019-08-01 07:43:57, Dogcat250
56.The only real exciting thing, that may even0Dogcat25014912019-08-01 05:57:27, Dogcat250
57.aged a league-low 122 goals. Buffalos powe0Dogcat25015082019-08-01 05:48:46, Dogcat250
58.oved to second when Gardner mad0Dogcat25015402019-08-01 05:43:30, Dogcat250
59. is an IOC member and head of Qatars national Olymp0Dogcat25021952019-08-01 05:38:22, Dogcat250
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