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80. out of playoff contention during the seas0Dogcat25030862019-05-17 07:57:01, Dogcat250
81.procedure for the World Cup draw Tuesday0Dogcat25085682019-05-15 04:26:38, Dogcat250
82.added three more gold medals in Wednesdays 0Dogcat25027612019-05-15 04:19:52, Dogcat250
83.Joakim Noah flirted with another triple-double0Dogcat25021862019-05-15 04:08:47, Dogcat250
84. Steelers president Art Rooney II says the NFL has 0Dogcat25022732019-05-14 07:50:15, Dogcat250
85.unit has only heightened concerns whether this 0Dogcat25021012019-05-06 02:46:57, Dogcat250
86.Spain and Germany remain 1-2 in FIFAs monthly standings0Dogcat25037562019-05-04 05:45:05, Dogcat250
87.Coverage of the main event of the weekend starts0Dogcat25020412019-05-04 05:40:02, Dogcat250
88. when playing under the often scorching rays at the 0Dogcat25024722019-04-30 04:36:38, Dogcat250
89. van Persie made a goal-scoring return 0Dogcat25023952019-04-30 04:12:33, Dogcat250
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