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100. baseline jumper as time expired. With nine0Dogcat25022042019-04-12 08:26:01, Dogcat250
101.smashed the second longest-standing national womens0Dogcat25021982019-04-12 08:04:46, Dogcat250
102.on the seven-day disabled list Tuesday with a mild0Dogcat25020582019-04-10 04:24:44, Dogcat250
103. England beat the San Diego Chargers 23-14 for its 0Dogcat25021562019-04-04 03:51:21, Dogcat250
104.play in their next two games. "W 0Dogcat25027462019-03-28 04:05:31, Dogcat250
105.Paul George added 22, and the Pacers beat 0Dogcat25020052019-03-28 03:53:25, Dogcat250
106. The Reserve at Lake Keowee to match Barber0Dogcat25020852019-03-26 02:51:55, Dogcat250
107.The only tennis player from China to win 1Dogcat25030592019-03-22 02:49:55, Dogcat250
108.TSN Hockey Insider Pierre LeBrun reports0Dogcat25023872019-03-22 02:33:01, Dogcat250
109.Veteran infielder Ramiro Pena and reliever Scott 0Dogcat25036922019-03-22 02:08:49, Dogcat250
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