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240.Spanish police as having participated in0Dogcat25015782019-03-18 04:06:53, Dogcat250
241. think Ive ever seen him locked in for this0Dogcat25044952019-03-18 04:02:49, Dogcat250
242.suffered a season-ending torn left anterior cruciate0Dogcat25018832019-03-18 04:01:18, Dogcat250
243.Mark Streit and Jacob Voracek also scored0Dogcat25015902019-03-18 03:55:40, Dogcat250
244.e some tools, but at the same time0lw78916822019-02-26 09:36:48, lw789
245.after Denver drafted him with the 11th 0Dogcat25016872019-02-16 04:46:15, Dogcat250
246. The Belgians offer an excellent blend of skill 0Dogcat25038632019-02-16 04:37:34, Dogcat250
247.but it is still nice to see the local0Dogcat25015822019-02-16 04:32:19, Dogcat250
248.while Lecomte and Sheldon McClellan0Dogcat25016912019-02-16 04:28:04, Dogcat250
249.At least three members of last years0Dogcat25016232019-02-16 04:23:18, Dogcat250
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