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220.Kevin Reynolds started the second day of the team event0Dogcat25024382019-05-21 04:28:43, Dogcat250
221.Scunthorpe at the top of the table after extending 0Dogcat25023822019-05-21 04:24:41, Dogcat250
222.32 saves from Scott Darling propelled the Chicago 0Dogcat25016582019-05-21 04:21:01, Dogcat250
223.Carolina beat No. 1 Michigan State 79-65 Wednesday 0Dogcat25018152019-05-21 04:14:38, Dogcat250
224. Third-seeded Victoria Azarenka tumbled out of the0Dogcat25025952019-05-21 04:09:57, Dogcat250
225.DiManche was placed on season-ending injured0Dogcat25016342019-05-21 04:05:55, Dogcat250
226. player Hal Sutton had a mild heart attack after 0Dogcat25016622019-05-21 04:00:00, Dogcat250
227. period and led a critical 12-0 run down 0Dogcat25016702019-04-24 07:43:21, Dogcat250
228.Betting against the favorites in tennis4dakota27312019-04-23 07:03:26, Elena
229.Stakes winner was cleared to wear the nasal 0Dogcat25017032019-03-18 04:45:48, Dogcat250
« poprzednia...18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29...nastêpna »
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