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210. kilometre from the Boleyn Ground ahead of 0Dogcat25016232019-06-26 03:55:57, Dogcat250
211.quad after failing to recover from a muscle str0Dogcat25016432019-06-26 03:50:39, Dogcat250
212.the NFC divisional playoff game against New Orl0Dogcat25023762019-06-26 03:45:29, Dogcat250
213.Oladipo came off the bench to score 20 points 0Dogcat25016382019-05-21 05:38:50, Dogcat250
214.Alouettes storied past will be feted but a reminder 0Dogcat25016962019-05-21 05:33:39, Dogcat250
215.Sharks backup goaltender Alex Stalock kept all the 0Dogcat25016072019-05-21 05:18:57, Dogcat250
216.Former Pittsburgh Penguins head coach Dan Bylsma is one0Dogcat25015902019-05-21 05:12:28, Dogcat250
217."Im going to celebrate for a whole 12 minutes, and then 0Dogcat25023282019-05-21 05:04:36, Dogcat250
218.take advantage of some favourable conditions on the 0Dogcat25016152019-05-21 04:45:37, Dogcat250
219. Howard hit a three-run homer with two outs in 0Dogcat25016402019-05-21 04:39:35, Dogcat250
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