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110.ging as the par putts he missed from 8 feet0Dogcat25022572019-08-26 05:46:19, Dogcat250
111. third-period tie and lifted the Dallas Stars to a 3-20Dogcat25014422019-08-26 05:38:34, Dogcat250
112. Tuesdays Metropolitan Division clash at Consol Energy 0Dogcat25013842019-08-26 05:34:46, Dogcat250
113.limiting Orlando to 15 points in the quarter on 0Dogcat25013942019-08-26 05:28:55, Dogcat250
114.who won UEFAs best player in Europe award0Dogcat25014082019-08-26 05:24:24, Dogcat250
115.Manchester United appears to have made0Dogcat25014322019-08-26 05:19:10, Dogcat250
116.three-game series against the Kansas City 0Dogcat25014432019-08-26 05:17:55, Dogcat250
117. and surprising Dutchwoman Kiki Bertens 0Dogcat25026822019-08-26 05:08:54, Dogcat250
118. after a deal was announced to build a new0Dogcat25014092019-08-26 05:03:29, Dogcat250
119.practiced on Wednesday without a no-contact jersey0Dogcat25014132019-08-26 05:00:25, Dogcat250
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