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100.fired in the middle of last season with the 0Dogcat25028992019-08-30 07:55:37, Dogcat250
101. Yet the Pirates veteran catcher admitted that 0Dogcat25015422019-08-30 07:50:06, Dogcat250
102.mony of the double-amputee runner. It was a harsh 0Dogcat25014132019-08-30 07:46:46, Dogcat250
103. will likely be thrust into the lineup against t0Dogcat25014792019-08-30 07:41:27, Dogcat250
104.enied Lima as the Brazilian shaped to connect wi0Dogcat25014332019-08-30 05:59:53, Dogcat250
105.reserve are eligible to sign contracts with bo0Dogcat25021202019-08-30 05:55:43, Dogcat250
106. Tulowitzki (.414) and Gonzalez. Lewis got the firs0Dogcat25014072019-08-30 05:50:05, Dogcat250
107.nd did not disappoint. The two-time Canadian women0Dogcat25014552019-08-30 05:42:26, Dogcat250
108. finished 23-12 and lost to Pittsburgh in their NCAA tour0Dogcat25014332019-08-30 05:38:58, Dogcat250
109.dor from May 27 to June 10. England announced last 0Dogcat25048772019-08-30 05:29:56, Dogcat250
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