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cytujWys³any: 2024-12-12 14:01:42 Temat postu:
A huge catalog of patterns in our online store allows everyone to sew fashionable clothes!

The choice is really impressive! Here you will see: vests, tunics, berets, chokers, hats, boxers, T-shirts and much more. In order to make it easier to make a choice, we divided all the patterns into categories. So, for example, in the "For beginners" section, you will find a huge assortment of patterns that can be ideal for a beginner. Note that there are still complex, as well as simple models. But with a glance you can understand it yourself. Also, it is possible to find out the complexity in the description of the pattern itself.

What will you see in the description of the pattern? Detailed information, such as the fabric used, what additional elements are required and of course the sizes. In our online store, you can buy patterns for 5 sizes at once, or if you need one size, buy it. Note that if you order one size, then the price, of course, will be much cheaper. In general, if you want to sew a sweater for yourself or for your husband, you can buy one size. But if you plan to sell soon, it will be more profitable to order patterns for all sizes at once. Nevertheless, decide for yourself. Do not forget that any fabric should always be taken taking into account shrinkage. So you need 10% more than what is written in the description. In the event that you are a beginner, we recommend buying a larger stock.

On the page "Special" you will find patterns at competitive prices. As a rule, these are original models. There are also other sections where patterns for men, women and children are placed. In the event that you are interested in something specific, you can use the search, it is available on the website.

You will see the necessary instructions, as well as the sizes, on the website of our online store. We value our customers and try to offer detailed information. So in case you are interested in easy fabric patterns, come in, we have really become the best in our field.

There are now many online stores offering to order patterns in bulk. In fact, for beginners, a decent offer. However, only in our store you will find fashionable and original models that will actually look great.
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