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The Best Fortnite Gamers

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cytujWys³any: 2021-11-11 23:45:26 Temat postu: The Best Fortnite Gamers
The Best Fortnite Gamers
Fortnite is a relatively young esports discipline, which was first introduced to the gaming community in 2017. During this time, its audience has grown to 78 million monthly users worldwide. Now it occupies one of the leading positions among the games of the battle royale genre. In this article we will tell you about the best Fortnite players.
The list of the best Fortnite players would be incomplete without the winner of the first World Cup. Kyle Gersdorf was only 16 years old when he won the main international Fortnight tournament with a total score of 59 points in the singles round. For comparison, the player in second place scored only 33 points. At the time of writing this article, Kyle's earnings exceeded $3 million. Now he plays for the American Sentinels team and rightfully holds the title of the best Fortnite player in the world.
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Turner Tenney, also known as Tfue, was one of the first players to discover the game in 2017. He participated in many competitions and championships and was a member of one of the most popular teams of the FaZe Clan. It is not surprising that Turner was one of the first to register to participate in the singles round of the World Cup in 2019. Unfortunately, the player failed to achieve outstanding results during the competition, but this did not affect his popularity. Now Turner is considered the most popular streamer on the Twitch platform, and his audience has more than 6 million subscribers.
David Wong is a young gamer from Austria, who is better known as a member of the Cooler Esports duo, who took first place in the doubles World Cup in 2019. Together with his Nyrox teammate, he earned $3 million and in a matter of minutes became one of the best Fortnite players. David also participated as an individual player in the solo round, but did not achieve the same impressive results. Nevertheless, he does not stop participating in many tournaments, and we are sure that this gamer will have great success in the future.

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