Autor | Wiadomo¶æ |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-14 14:21:17 Temat postu: 3-reel and 5-reel slot machines: which is better? 3-reel and 5-reel slot machines: which is better?
When choosing a slot machine for playing for real money, first of all you need to pay attention to such a basic characteristic as the number of reels. Initially, only 3-reel slot machines could be found in the casino, but in modern online casinos such slots are rare, and 5-reel slot machines occupy a key place in any gaming collection. So which of the two types is more profitable for players whose goal is to earn real money in online casinos?
Casino online pin-up.casino
The average size of the jackpot
The key difference between these two types of slots is the size of the jackpot. Of course, any slot offers players a large enough jackpot – whether 5,000 or 500,000 coins. However, the biggest jackpots can be found only in 5-reel slot machines. For example, in slots with a progressive jackpot, the maximum size of the prize can sometimes reach the bar of a million dollars.
Casino jackpots
Easy setup
If you have recently started playing online casino, it is better to start with three-drum slot machines. Such slots are usually characterized by a minimum number of settings – they have fewer lines, no additional options, and therefore understand the purpose of a huge number of keys on the game panel is not necessary. Statistics show that in 5-reel slots novice players lose a lot more than in simple 3-reel – simply not knowing how to change the size of the bet and the number of lines. Therefore, you should learn to play only on 3-reel slots – and then move on to more complex options.
Three-reel and five-reel machines
Bet size
For experienced players, 5-reel slots are more suitable, because they allow very flexible adjustment of the amount of expenses per spin. In modern slots, this amount consists of the number of activated lines, the number of coins per line and the coin value. All these three parameters can be changed at your discretion, thus saving on costs in each round. In three-drum slots, in turn, there is no such flexible system of settings – which means that you will not be able to save on spin costs in most cases.
Probability of winning
As we mentioned, the biggest jackpots are the prerogative of 5-reel slot machines. However, this in itself does not mean that you should always play only in such slots. The secret is that players who "hunt" for a small jackpot in a three-reel slot machine have more chances to win this prize than those who prefer 5-reel slots. The logic is simple: the bigger the jackpot, the less chances to win it. And from this point of view, it is much easier to become the owner of the jackpot in some classic "one-armed bandit" than to win the progressive jackpot. |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-20 20:34:12 Temat postu: Odp. 3-reel and 5-reel slot machines: which is better? Nawet najbardziej do¶wiadczeni gracze czêsto zgadzaj± siê z tob±, aby graæ w automaty do gry zamiast w blackjacka lub ruletkê. W koñcu gra na automatach jest naprawdê hazardowa, poniewa¿ jej wygrana zale¿y od czystego szczê¶cia, a szanse na wygranie zawodu i pocz±tkuj±cego s± absolutnie równe. Aby odnie¶æ sukces w grze, nie musisz uczyæ siê zestawu regu³ i opracowywaæ z³o¿onych strategii. Ponadto mo¿esz graæ w automaty przy minimalnych stawkach, a zysk w tym przypadku mo¿e wynosiæ kilka tysiêcy lub nawet miliony dolarów, je¶li jest to jackpot.
| Wys³any: 2019-04-23 19:46:56 Temat postu: Odp. 3-reel and 5-reel slot machines: which is better?
Wiem, ¿e trzy bêbny s± klasykami. Wygl±daj± jak stare automaty do gier. Piêkno tych wolnych slotów to ich prostota. Nie ma miejsca na ogromn± liczbê mo¿liwo¶ci i symboli, wiêc wybieraj±c automat z trzema bêbnami, gracz nie bêdzie siê myliæ. Gniazda z piêcioma bêbnami s± przyjemniejsze. Tam fabu³a jest lepiej widoczna i dla graczy s± korzystne funkcje. Mo¿esz graæ w dowolne automaty do gry za darmo i byæ w stanie do¶wiadczyæ ró¿nych opcji bez utraty ryzyka. Tylko w ten sposób poznacie dok³adnie trzy lub piêæ bêbnów, które przynosz± wam wiêcej rado¶ci. |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-25 19:27:24 Temat postu: Odp. 3-reel and 5-reel slot machines: which is better? very important information is presented by you. I didn't give it any importance at all. now I will know which slot machine is better to play. however, the size of the jackpot will still make you play on slot machines with five reel slots. I'll check my luck soon. |
| Wys³any: 2019-05-11 20:11:53 Temat postu: 3-reel and 5-reel slot machines: which is better? I also want to add to what has been said that there are also 9-reel video slots in the casino, but, like the 7-reel slots, they are not so common. If you look at the photo of such a device, it seems that this is a classic 3-drum version. In fact, users can access horizontal diagonal and even vertical paylines in bonus mode, as well as progressive jackpot. |
| Wys³any: 2020-11-13 12:07:33 Temat postu: Spin2Spin Tell us who plays in online casinos, share your impressions, for example, I fell in love with the portal https://tr.spin2spin.com/ |