Autor | Wiadomo¶æ |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-14 14:19:59 Temat postu: Betting against the favorites in tennis Betting against the favorites in tennis. Tennis ball at the line at dawn to disbelieve that in tennis always win favorites, open any Grand Slam tournament. Already at the first stages of the tournament, a significant part of the favorites will leave it, and only a few will get to the final stages. And in each tournament underdogs often win with odds of 10.00 and above.
This strategy involves the selection of candidates for bets. When selecting a game, use the following guidelines:
favorite is in bad shape;
favorite has a weak flow;
underdog's skate is a good ball reception;
underdog often performed in the area;
favorite flew to the tournament from afar;
in recent games, the favorites on his innings often had breaks.
It is important for you to find the game where underdog will be able to impose a stubborn struggle to his opponent. Usually this happens in those games where the favorite has problems when filing.
The essence of the game for this strategy Pin-up bet
Tennis player happy scoring a goal
The strategy involves playing live bets.
Bet on the underdog when the favorite took the lead in the first set and took 1 break. It is also necessary that the coefficient on the underdog was not less than 4.00 and that the favorite did not lose points on his serve.
Next, you need to wait for the return break. When it happens, the coefficient on the favorite will jump from about 1.30 to 1.45-1.50, which will allow you to make a reverse bet and fix the profit.
If in the next two games the return break did not happen, then you can act in two ways. In the first case, the return bet is made and a loss is fixed, and the bettor comes into play with the next break of the favorite. In the second case, we leave everything as it is and wait for the right moment in the game for the reverse bet.
If the favorite makes another break, then make another bet on the outsider at a higher rate. Even unconditional favourites rarely make three breaks in a row, so when the outsider breaks back, you will win back both bets.
If the favorite takes three breaks in a row (no later than the beginning of the second set), the coefficient on the outsider rises to huge values. In this situation, it makes sense to bet on the victory of the outsider in the second set. The risks are of course high, but since the line is strongly bent, then the coefficient on the underdog will be appropriate.
It's not a difficult strategy to play, but it doesn't always have to be followed blindly. Watching the game you can roughly estimate the chances of underdog to win. Therefore, it is not necessary to bet on his victory, if the favorite confidently won the first set with a score of 6:0. |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-18 18:38:36 Temat postu: Odp. Betting against the favorites in tennis I always envy those who successfully bet on tennis. In order to do them, it is necessary to study all the main features of this sport and to analyze all the available data and also thoroughly understand tennis and tennis players. And in order for the betting strategy in tennis to work it is important to choose the right matches. Tennis players should have a different level while stupid to bet on a novice as opposed to the first racket of the world. It will be optimal if one of the rivals is strong middling another goes to the champion title.
koshkinogki IP:82.193.98.* |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-21 21:58:04 Temat postu: Odp. Betting against the favorites in tennis
There is even a weekly updated rating of tennis players. The men's rating is now headed by Novak Djokovic. This rating is used by the Association of Tennis Professionals to record the achievements of athletes. The rating is compiled by the ATP Tennis Association since 2009. ATP rating of tennis players today is the most significant in the world of tennis. If you bet on tennis games you can take into account the rating data |
| Wys³any: 2019-04-22 12:58:34 Temat postu: Odp. Betting against the favorites in tennis Popieram twoj± opiniê, poniewa¿ tenis mo¿na nazwaæ najlepszym sportem dla pocz±tkuj±cych graczy. Niezbyt wiele propozycji typów zak³adów jest tylko plusem, poniewa¿ taka torba bêdzie najprostsza i zrozumia³a dla pocz±tkuj±cych. Rola sprawy tutaj jest zredukowana do minimum, a ma³a ga³±¼ zak³adów pozwoli pocz±tkuj±cym fanom hazardu na zagubienie siê.
| Wys³any: 2019-04-23 07:03:26 Temat postu: Odp. Betting against the favorites in tennis Moim zdaniem nowi gracze w zak³ady tenisowe nie s± szczególnie wybredni w swoich strategiach. Prawdopodobnie 99% tych graczy stawia zak³ady na wyra¼ne faworytów w meczach tenisowych z niskimi kursami, ³±cz±c kilka wydarzeñ w jeden ekspres. Taka strategia mo¿e dzia³aæ do pierwszej straty, która mo¿e odebraæ graczowi znaczn± czê¶æ banku z powodu nadmiernego zaufania do ulubionych.