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30. Irelands Damien McGrane in a playoff on Sunday 0Dogcat25021762019-04-22 05:08:52, Dogcat250
31.venture out of the great white north when they0Dogcat25021882019-04-19 04:26:27, Dogcat250
32.gave the Lightning their first lead early in the0Dogcat25024642019-04-16 03:02:46, Dogcat250
33. and Brad Spence, both of Calgary. The w0Dogcat25034322019-04-12 08:10:22, Dogcat250
34.entirely when one of your rivals thinks youre0Dogcat25021032019-04-10 04:52:59, Dogcat250
35.European side and an end to an embarrassing 14-month0Dogcat25021612019-04-08 04:41:18, Dogcat250
36.Macedonia in a warmup game for the World Cup0Dogcat25030452019-04-04 03:41:47, Dogcat250
37.ming game. "Were going to be ready for that game, for su0Dogcat25022212019-04-02 02:38:00, Dogcat250
38.Major League Soccers Western Conference0Dogcat25024772019-03-28 06:16:31, Dogcat250
39.is Elias to make it 3-0. The hit left Alvarez shaking 0Dogcat25033742019-03-28 03:56:24, Dogcat250
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